- Training Programme held on September 21, 2024 on Investment and Treasury Management

The object of the training programme was to enlighten the senior functionaries of UCBs about various facts of the Investment portfolios of Banks, Nature and Concept of Treasury Bills, Investment Policy – Contents, guidelines of the RBI etc.
The following faculties imparted training on different subjects on Investment and Treasury Management:
- Shri Anand Babu, Dy. General Manager, Department of Supervision, RBI, imparted training programme on Investment Policy – Contents/guidelines of recent circulars of the RBI, Classification and valuation of Securities – Valuation Norms and Provisioning. Introduction and importance of Investment and Treasury Management, etc.
- Shri Vivek Mandlik, Investment Consultant and Banking Expert, imparted training on Practical sessions on Theory of Fixed Income Bonds, Theory of duration, Modified duration, Pricing of bonds, Government Securities, Treasury Bills – Nature and concept, Issue procedure Primary dealers, Time value of Money, Concept of Yield, Yield till maturity, Current yield, Practical sessions on various types of portfolio and risk analysis, Concept of Market Risk, Interest Rate Risk relating to Investment, Use of other Instruments like CD, CP in Portfolio, Portfolio of Urban Banks and consistency of Interest Income, Market risk impact, Trading gains, Analysis of Income vis a vis depreciation provisions, Trading practices, Auctions, Bidding Techniques, SGL and CSGL etc.