- Training Programme held on October 25, 2024 on Risk Management and Compliance Management:

The main objectives of the programme was to sensitize the participants about the significance of sound compliance functions in regulated entities, how to prepare Compliance Policy? – its Contents and Objectives, enlighten them for initiating preventive measures for mitigating compliance risk, elaborate on key regulatory guidelines for improved understanding and update the participants about latest developments on the regulatory or supervisory front and the supervisory expectations.
The following faculties imparted training on different subjects on Risk Management and Compliance Management:
- Shri V George Koshy, Dy. General Manager, Dept. of Supervision, RBI imparted training on Importance of Compliance Management, Compliance Functions in Regulatory Entities, Compliance Issues and Deficiencies, Role of Chief Compliance Officer, Developing a Culture of Compliance Risk Awareness etc.
- Shri Vishram Dixit, Chief Executive Officer, The Nashik Merchants Co-op. Bank Ltd., Nashik imparted training programme on Risk Management, Different types of Risks, Best practices for risk control, Compliance Policy – its Contents and Objectives, Review and Reporting Mechanism